Day 5: Ekam World Peace Festival (Sep 16, 2019 | 20 Minute Abridged)
Ekam World Peace Festival 2019 (English)
In today’s dasha shanti we celebrate the true nature and purpose of spirituality: to awaken the spirit and quiet the mind, to free us from fear of the future and the chains of the past and allow us to see the beauty in peace.
For too long we have allowed what’s sacred to us to divide us from each other, ignoring teachings on inner peace. Anger, distance and competition now mark so much religious action, despite religious thinking that expresses the opposite. Three in four wars throughout history have been fought over differing systems of belief. Why should so much destruction, anguish and suffering be born from philosophies of morality and harmony?
Join Preethaji, Krishnaji and millions of peace seekers live as we embrace the UI and conjure a powerful wave of peace and tolerance, freeing us and others from our shackles and promoting positive, harmonic energy between all of humankind.
Up Next in Ekam World Peace Festival 2019 (English)
Day 6: Ekam World Peace Festival (Sep...
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Day 7: Ekam World Peace Festival (Sep...
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