감사함으로 깨어나기 (한국어) Awaken To Gratitude (Korean)
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삶에서 기적을 manifest하세요.12일 동안 열두가지의 다양한 감사의 경험.
이 도전에 함께하세요. -
[KR]D1_어머니에 대한 감사 (Gratitude Towards Mother)
We say- maatru devo bhava
Because she does what God does. She creates.
Awakening to gratitude towards your mother heals your heart and makes you whole. -
[KR]D2_아버지에 대한 감사 (Gratitude Towards Father)
Connecting to the beautiful moments your father gave you and opening your heart with gratitude towards him will make you whole. Make you love your life better. Your connection with your father will give you the courage to face the rough and tough of life.
[KR]D3_파트너에 대한 감사_Partner
Your relationship with your partner can be your greatest source of fulfilment, strength and joy.
When you connect to your partner with gratitude there is a letting go of the veils that keep you separate and alone. Love holds its sway.
[KR]D4_형제자매에 대한 감사 (Gratitude Towards Sibling)
Gratitude arises when you realise so much of what is beautiful about you is because of another.
[KR]D5_친구에 대한 감사_Friend
Do you ever pause to celebrate the joy you have had in these pure moments of friendship in life? Take the time to immerse in gratitude for the gift of such a friendship in your life.
[KR]D6_자녀에 대한 감사 (Gratitude Towards Child)
Parenting gives a tremendous sense of fulfilment. It brings meaning to life, to everything you do. Whether it is creating wealth, working on your health or growing spiritually every pursuit becomes meaningful because of your children. They give us the greatest blessing in life - Meaning.
[KR]D7_직장 동료에 대한 감사 (Gratitude Towards People at Work)
Gratitude is the simplest antidote for hostility and irritation in the work environment. It makes you become present to the task at hand, comfortable with people and more dedicated to work. It is nurturing and rewarding to your self and the other.
[KR]D8_나의 몸에 대한 감사 (Gratitude Towards Body)
Your body is one of the most magnificent expressions of universal intelligence. It is designed to experience great love, great compassion, and great bliss.
[KR]D9_지구에 대한 감사_Earth
In Sanskrit Mother Earth is called Dharani. Dharani means she who holds you or bears you. Our life and existence is intricately connected with Mother Earth. She is our sustainer and nurturer. Our existence and wellbeing depends on her well-being. Mother Earth is all the rivers, the oceans, the d...
[KR]D10_삶의 어려운 도전에 대한 감사_difficult challenge of life
Sacred Journey
[KR]D11_선생님에 대한 감사_teacher
The Inspiration
[KR]D12_우주지성에 대한 감사 (Gratitude Towards Universal
The Flow of Blessings