[KR]D3_파트너에 대한 감사_Partner
Awaken To Gratitude (Korean)
Your relationship with your partner can be your greatest source of fulfilment, strength and joy.
When you connect to your partner with gratitude there is a letting go of the veils that keep you separate and alone. Love holds its sway.
Up Next in Awaken To Gratitude (Korean)
[KR]D4_형제자매에 대한 감사 (Grati...
Gratitude arises when you realise so much of what is beautiful about you is because of another.
[KR]D5_친구에 대한 감사_Friend
Do you ever pause to celebrate the joy you have had in these pure moments of friendship in life? Take the time to immerse in gratitude for the gift of such a friendship in your life.
[KR]D6_자녀에 대한 감사 (Gratitude ...
Parenting gives a tremendous sense of fulfilment. It brings meaning to life, to everything you do. Whether it is creating wealth, working on your health or growing spiritually every pursuit becomes meaningful because of your children. They give us the greatest blessing in life - Meaning.