Ekam Circle 2.0 (Chinese)
Experience our meditations to access Universal Intelligence to receive gifts week after week. Celebrate an abundant life.
Ekam Prayer (Chinese)
The most powerful prayer meditation in the world.
Unifying body-heart and soul in reaching the divine. A daily prayer meditation done by millions. -
Build Ojas For Immunity (Chinese)
Meditate the ancient way to build immunity
Build your Ojas, the eternal immunity builder in your body, the ancient Indian way. -
第三天:心的连结 (Chinese)
进入心的旅程,远离孤独与孤立。这个简短的静心运用呼吸和观想来帮助你与心、头脑和身体相连结。 这种连结会加强你的人际关系,给你更大的同理心,并且让你与你所爱更亲近。
这个心的连结练习可以独自练习,或者与亲爱的人一起练习。 只需花5分钟,就会给你带来持续一整天的连结感。
Prosperity - A Beautiful State For Abundance (Chinese)
Become free of inner limitations. Manifest wealth.
Manifest abundance from a fulfilled heart. Use it to create a difference. -
第二天:平静头脑静心 (Chinese)
这个有威力的静心有助于缓解压力,让你回归平静。 它通过放松杏仁核(大脑“战或逃”的中心)来发挥作用。 每当你感到被负面情绪所挟持,或者头脑混乱把你带离当下,请花几分钟时间来练习这个静心。 学习如何让情绪复原。
在冲突中或要很难做决策时使用这个静心。 它将带你走出困惑进入清晰。 每次你进入这个平静而安宁的空间时,自己就更容易不费力地重返那个状态。
At Home With Work (Chinese)
Transform work into a sacred/meaningful contribution.
Realise the beauty and impact you are creating on the world. Ignite the spark of vision for greater outreach.
Learner Meditation (Chinese)
Learning from a mind free of inhibition.
Education is to free the mind and broaden perception; expand the heart. Only in this space of inner vastness learning happens. Sri Preethaji gracefully leads you into this space of learning. -
Releasing The Departed (Chinese)
A meditation for bringing peace to the departed.
Consciousness is one. The living and the dead are all a part of this one consciousness. This meditation helps you bring peace to the departed and seek blessings.