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Prosperity - A Beautiful State For Abundance (Chinese)
Ekam Circle 2.0 (Chinese)
Become free of inner limitations. Manifest wealth.
Manifest abundance from a fulfilled heart. Use it to create a difference.
Up Next in Ekam Circle 2.0 (Chinese)
第二天:平静头脑静心 (Chinese)
这个有威力的静心有助于缓解压力,让你回归平静。 它通过放松杏仁核(大脑“战或逃”的中心)来发挥作用。 每当你感到被负面情绪所挟持,或者头脑混乱把你带离当下,请花几分钟时间来练习这个静心。 学习如何让情绪复原。
在冲突中或要很难做决策时使用这个静心。 它将带你走出困惑进入清晰。 每次你进入这个平静而安宁的空间时,自己就更容易不费力地重返那个状态。
At Home With Work (Chinese)
Transform work into a sacred/meaningful contribution.
Realise the beauty and impact you are creating on the world. Ignite the spark of vision for greater outreach.
Learner Meditation (Chinese)
Learning from a mind free of inhibition.
Education is to free the mind and broaden perception; expand the heart. Only in this space of inner vastness learning happens. Sri Preethaji gracefully leads you into this space of learning.