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Parceiro Sincero - Soul Sync (Portuguese)
Os Quatro Segredos Sagrados (Portuguese)
Feel your heart awaken to a beautiful state of connection and become a partner with a deep capacity for love. This practice can be done alone or with a partner.
Up Next in Os Quatro Segredos Sagrados (Portuguese)
Seu Relacionamento com a Riqueza (Por...
Understand your relationship to wealth and discover any obstacles on your path to success. This meditation will help cultivate a mindset of abundance and prosperity. Encourage an abundant mindset.
Descubra o que te Conduz (Portuguese)
Experience what moves you. Tune in to your inner truth and watch the path appear before you.
Criador Consciente - Soul Sync (Portu...
This final Soul Sync meditation guides you to become a courageous, conscious creator. Once complete, you will have made your way through the Four Sacred Secrets. Return to these practices whenever you want to explore a more beautiful state and contribute to a more beautiful world.